Why literature and Painting Go Hand in Hand
Malak Wehbe
reason 1: Deviation
Negative space is used like the positive space in painting. Forexample in cubist paintings, Braques used the negative space like the positive space to give the illusion of a new world of simple shapes in the House at L’Estaque. As shakespeare’s play Antonio and Cleopatra, used the noun boy as a verb of playing in the scene of Anthony accusing Cleopatra of playing with his reputation.
Reason 2: Deixis am Phantasma
Retrospective and prospective memories,the past and the future, are depiction of memories and imagination to create a fantasy world.House at L’Estaque includes observation and imagination.He simplified the complex place into childlike and simple shapes in oblique tension.
The heart of Darkness includes memory of natural scenes and imagination.They were facing fog as if they are burried in a cotton ball.
Reason 3: Visual Perception
Whether an insect scurrying on the lofty porcelain , burried in a cotton ball, an emaciated man or demons in the wilderness, Conrad managed to capture this feeling and engraved images inthe reader’s world. Tension asif the sloppiness is about to drag the viewer in this unsteadiness in the House at L’Estaque.
Reason 4: Emotions
Both Heart of Darkness novel and the House at L’Estaque painting evoke fear and unsteadiness.
Wilkin,K.(1991).Braque. NewYork: Abbeville Press.
E.West. ,D. (2014). Deictic Imaginings: Semiosis at Work and at Play.Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
Inroduction to literary stylistics(Compilations). Ed. Maatouq.GUOTIL Publications.
Conrad,J. (1994).Heart of Darkness. Beirut: librairie du Liban Publishers SAL.
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Why depression sometimes leads you to art making
You are proned to expression whether it is color, story, dance ,song , act , ... Breaking rules is not crime to you especially when you are beginning the journey. This journey will give you a vocation and fill your heart with aspiration
Reason two: You embrace all books related to art and self help unlike before
Your library is full of different books .Your shelves reflect your passions .
Reason three: Embodying your struggles with depression in your journals and intention to turn it into a piece of art
You write journals then you decide to turn it into a painting, music , sculpture, movies....Some sort of images and sounds inspire you into different projects.
Reason4: Chaotic thoughts lead you to produce a different world.
Thoughts never end pushing the inner imagination .Dreams, hallucinations,dreams , fantasies reflect the symbolic unconcious.
Reason 5: You are ready to show your works to your friends and family after a long tough isolation.You communicate about your passions.
Reason 6 : depression pushes you to more possibilities and aspirations .
You love your domain but discovered when healing you are more than your expert field.
Reason7 you want to create a shelter away from your study field .
You are studying some tough subjects for a long time and now see you later ,a journey is waiting for me .
Reason8 You need a new bellows to give you the passion of living ,because when you think of your domain , many bad habits you recall.
Reason 9: You feel you have been acting the whole time, because the rough habits you inflict them into yourself and merciless academic regime can no longer work. You need carefree attitude.
Reason 10 You want to be the ruler of your world, bored with following others' rules.
Reason11 you need achievement and satisfaction feelings which raise your dopamine levels and destress yourself. No longer the toil exists on the sympathetic system" fight and flight".Balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic systems is achieved
Reason 12: Experiencing spirit world or as the poet Eliot says Spiritus Mundi from where your ideas come.
#Depression_# drawing_# creativity._# therapeutic
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Ways to fill your sketchbook
I found the combination technique helpful and it has two types : two objects into one element ,or pictures combination into one subject.
Example 1:

A sitting girl + creative fish = painting about spiritual company
Creative fish = fish + art tools
It was dated back to my beginning of drawing .

Girl + tree= nature inspiration and flow of ideas
Example 3:
Girl + stairs +windows+ door + dandelions +umbrellas= homely affection

Girl +mountain +waterfall =feminine energy, mother nature

Living room + fruits= fruitful home

These drawings are produced from google pictures I chose. It is holding onto the walls while Iam a beginner ascending to the desired outcome or the baby steps of crawling before running.
Applying a heterogeneous mixture of pictures results in aesthetic symbolism witnessed by the viewer and analysed ,combined with the real world and life experience. Such an aesthetic experience can make viewers see the fantasylike structure
#Sketchbook_ #aesthetic_ #drawing_# painting
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How to download books for free and build your own library
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drawing and painting for beginners
Step 1 draw your hand from observation and pictures

- Step6 is from my imagination and my own objects and pictures . When you practise more and read, your imagination runs wild.

#Drawing_ #painting _# beginner_ #practice
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